Thursday, September 4, 2008

Rev. G - Aint No Punk

Here is some Hip Hop from 1992 featuring Rev. G. Not a bad cassette, the only drawback being that there are only three songs. Why don't more reverends rap?

Track List:
Ain't No Punk
Sinister Minister
Zipped file via DivShare


Anonymous said...

this shit needs to be gremlin'd.

Rodney said...

Hellz yesh

dirty judas said...

Man, I love this. No joke, Aint No Punk is a killer. Nice blog, thanks for doing it.

Donnie said...

where is this guy from?? hit me up

Jimij said...

This is Jimij, the producer. Thanks for the kind words. The track was pretty much done on an emax, a roland drum machine for the congas, with a live piano solo. I don't know what happened to Rev G after this, I assume he's still in the NYC area.